try…catch in JavaScript

1 min readMay 6, 2021

Try catch or Error handling is called defense for a programming language. JavaScript has also support powerful features of error handling.

try {

//here the statement will be placed if there has a doubt about it


catch (err) {

//if errors occurs in the above try block then it will be caught


lets see an example

try {

number; //this variable is not defined at all

} catch (err) {

console.log(; //ReferenceError

console.log(err.message); //number is not defined


In the above example number variable is not defined so that error is caught in catch block and the error name and error message is printed

Lets see another example

try {

const number = 10;

number = 40;

} catch (err) {

console.log(; //TypeError

console.log(err.message); //Assignment to constant variable.


In second example in const type variable is reassigned that is an error. So type error is caught in catch block

